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Hello everyone, this will unfortunately be one of my last posts for now as school is ending in a couple of weeks and I don't know how often I will be able to consistently continue posting updates. That being said, I had managed to accomplish a lot this year: getting both of my comic books professionally printed, finishing my voice overs and animations for the first comic book, and writing a lot for the story Inner Demons. Although this is my senior year of high school, I promise that I will do my best with making some kind of updating scheduled for the website. I hope you enjoyed all the work I have done and please, if you haven't already, check out Inner Demons. I have added a lot more to the story recently and even though it is not a comic book, it is still a very visual story. Again, please enjoy my work and I will try my best to ensure the website doesn't die.    


I apologize for the late update but things got in the way of actually posting this one. Luckily, I still managed to add a couple more pages to Inner demons so enjoy.




Hello everyone, I am back and have good news, the first being that I am nearly finished with adding audio to the first volume of the conjuror, unfortunately, I did not have enough time to upload it, but it will more than likely be completed by the next blog post. Next I would like to say that inner demons has reached over ninety pages and I will be continuing my work on writing it. I hope you enjoy reading and I will try my best to finish editing the video for the next post.


Hello everyone, I am back once again for my bi-weekly blog post. I know that the last few posts were not very interesting as they mostly explained problems I had been having; however, that is no longer the case. My voice altering software is now completely installed into my computer and is running smoothly. It was a lengthy process to get everything running once more, but now that everything works again, I am ready to resume my video uploading schedule. To celebrate, I had just uploaded my most recent edit of volume one so enjoy. With all that said, I will continue writing for Inner Demons as writing that novel truly brings out the creativity within myself. I hope you all enjoy the new edits I plan for the future and until then, please watch



Hello everyone, I am sorry that I could not post a video during this post as I was a little preoccupied with other pieces of work which prevented me from installing the software. This means that once again I uploaded more pages to my novel. Hopefully, by next blogpost I will be able to use my voice altering software for my videos but until then, enjoy Inner Demons.

Welcome back to Cutting Edge Comics, the website where you, the reader receives the best reading experience possible. Hello everyone, I am back with some updates for this weeks blog post. I am happy to say that I had finally got a hold of the voice altering software I was searching for. This particular modulation service will allow me to change the pitch, frequency, speed, and resonance of my voice as well as giving me many other audio effects to play with. I am having a bit of trouble installing it, but that will not stop me from trying my best to finish my videos. In the meantime, I have been placing a lot of time and effort in the continuation of my novel, Inner Demons. I know that it is not a comic book as the website's title suggests; however, it is still an in depth read which I recommend you give a look at.



Hello everyone, I am back from my winter hiatus to give you a few important announcements. Inner Demons is now currently 16 pages longer than it once was, and I found some cool new sound effects to which I have been editing for my videos. Unfortunately, I did run into a snag while testing the voice altering software I was using. It turns out I was only using a free trial of the software and the actual software is quite expensive, so I am now searching for a new voice modulation service. This may alter the schedule I had and may be a while before I post another video; however, as this is the first problem I ran into for this entire school year so far, I feel confident that I can bounce back to my regular routine. Have a nice day and I will see you all in my next post.

Hello everyone. I hope you are all enjoying the holidays. This is going to be my last post for a while since I'm leaving school for winter break; however, that doesn't mean I won't be working on my projects. So my gift to you for the holidays is my latest video with complete animations. Granted it does not have complete voice over or sound effects, but I will be working on that when I get the time to do so. Here's the link to the video



It has been two amazing years of hard work which has now paid off. That's right, I am now a published author. Both volumes of The Conjuror have been professionally printed and I couldn't be happier with the finished result, check it out at




Hello everyone, I have returned with some good news, I have uploaded again to my YouTube channel. I have uploaded a rough draft of volume 1 of the Conjuror, it contains sound effects and panel animation; however, I am still a ways to go from animating each page and providing voice over so in the mean time, enjoy this rough draft using the ling



Today I managed to complete my first youtube video, please visit the link below to check it out


Hello everyone, I have great news, today I have finally created my very own youtube channel. Using this channel, I will be uploading my content in video format, providing character voice overs, and animating the pages so that the page transitions smoothly from panel to panel. The link to the channel is . I unfortunately have not been able to upload anything to that channel yet; however, that will change soon. In the meantime, please enjoy the rest of my works and I'll be back soon with more news about my progress.




Hello everyone, it is time for my bi-weekly blog post. I have a two important announcements in this one so I hope you are all ready. Firstly, I am done with editing the text from my first comic book. Second, I have familiarized myself with animating the panels of my comic books and adding voice overs to the characters using voice modulators. Now, by animating, I primarily mean the pages of the comic books will move from panel to panel. I hope you enjoy all work I have been putting into my projects in order to make them as perfect as possible.

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